Saturday, May 20, 2006

The biggest hole known to man

Today, our last full day in Florida, was a fun day. We took off in the morning to go to the beach one last time for playing and swimming. We had set a goal for ourselves to dig 'the biggest hole known to man' on the beach just south of Jacksonville.

Armed with our two $1.29 plastic shovels from Wal-Mart, we marked out our territory. With a circle of about 5 feet in diameter drawn out we began the long and arduous process of digging our hole. We (read as I) had carefully chosen a spot high enough on the beach to allow us time to dig for a while before the tide came in.

After a period of about 2 minutes the kids began to lose interest in the project and wandered off for short 'breaks' to play in the ocean. I, however, pressed on.

As the tide rolled in higher and higher, I tried to encourage them with the urgency of finishing 'the biggest hole known to man' project before the waves washed it all away. That worked for about 30 seconds.

After some time and a moderate blister in the palm of my hand, the hole was finished. About 5 feet across and maybe a foot and a half deep. We decided to call it a day and head back to our condo house for lunch and naps.

While the hole might not have actually achieved record status, it was something we all did together, at least for a while. And in that way, it was worth it.


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