Thursday, December 21, 2006

Make it easy

This month has been a month of voracious reading. So far 5 books. I go in spurts like this, but try to always be reading something. Part of my life-long learner intention.

In one of my recent reads there was a chapter about the importance of assessing, as a leader, why someone was not able to perform the way they were expected to. Was it a motivation problem or an ability problem? Good question to ask. It then followed that chapter with a chapter about helping people succeed by making it easy for them to accomplish what is needed.

Make it easy for them? I have to admit my first reaction was “What a crock!” Make it easy in my mind meant lower the expectation. If a person could not perform up to par, lower that expectation to make it easier for them to succeed. So, based on that idea, the person’s feeling of success (meeting the lower expectation) was more important that actually accomplishing what is really needed (the higher expectation).

That got me to thinking, what would things be like if God did that? Be holy? I can’t quite do that, but would being mostly good most of the time be sufficient? Lowering the expectation is not the answer. I have to admit that I nearly put the book down at this point. But I kept reading. I am glad I did.

As I read on I realized that the main point was not to lower the expectation, but to work toward removing any obstacles to the person accomplishing the expected outcome. If they are not motivated, work toward removing any obstacles to them being motivated. If they are not able, work toward removing anything in the way of them being able.

This was starting to resonate more with me. Remove obstacles to people’s success. A good role for a leader to have. In fact, back to the God part, is that not exactly what He did? If His expectation is Holiness, and we can not meet that because we are sinful, then He needed to provide a way to remove that obstacle to us succeeding in being Holy. And He did – through His son Jesus Christ. He did not lower the expectation, but he made a provision to remove the obstacle.

What a perfect time of year to be learning this. As we celebrate the birth of Christ, it is good to remember that God was beginning to remove the obstacle to our success in being Holy people through the birth of His son Jesus.

Thanks God for helping us to succeed by removing the obstacles to our success!

Do you have any examples of when a leader you worked with/for did well with removing obstacles to your success?


At 12:07 PM, Blogger P Keener said...

Your observation on God allowing us to be successful is right on. Being as; the obstacles are insurmountable by me. Only He can remove them. For Him success is holiness and only His Son can make that achievable.

The thing is where we are bound by somebody else's expectations or time itself God is not.

God is not accountable to an authority over him nor is he bound by the constraints of time.

As a leader we always are accountable to somebody and usually have a timeline we are expected to meet.

I have heard the “removing obstacles” theory before. As a leader l can do my best to remove obstacles (i.e. provide tools, education or clear guidelines etc.) my feeling is: it is unrealistic to expect I can remove all obstacles.

The trick is balancing the needs of those we are leading with the expectations of those we are accountable to.

I had a Chief in the Navy that was pretty good at it. He was able to mentor us while maintaining a proper military bearing. I always felt that he cared about me and my carrier without compromising his authority or the ships mission. (From my observations of my sister’s military career she is much the same way). I feel that much of what I have learned about leadership I learned from him.


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