Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I hate being sick!!

Being sick is not something likely to be high on most people’s lists of favorite things. Me? I just plain hate being sick. And I am not good at it either. I am not a good sick person – one who suffers quietly and endures the misery of a cold or the flu without letting many others around know what is going on. No, not me. Just ask my wife. With a roll of her eyes she will tell you I am a miserable person to be around when I am sick.

I often say I have a high tolerance for high level pain. I can break my leg and keep on going with whatever I am doing. However, I also have a pretty low threshold for low level pain. A paper cut can render me useless. Ok, maybe a slight exaggeration, but you get the point.

The last few days my son was sick with a fever and cold kind of thing. Apparently he was kind enough to share. Not surprising since he slept in my bed with me most of his sick nights.

The real onset was yesterday. I had to go to a lunch with some colleagues here and some guests who had come from the US. By the time I arrived at the place I was already feeling pretty cruddy, and it got worse by the minute. I had a pretty good fever going, and had no desire to eat anything whatsoever. The worst part of this time was the constant (and that is not an exaggeration) running of my nose. Like a faucet with a steady drip.

By the time lunch was over I was in full-blown misery mode. I drove home, and even stopped at one point and pulled to the side of the road, contemplating calling my wife to come get me and drive the rest of the way home. I walked in the door and she immediately recognized my pathetic demeanor and stayed out of the way while I got some aspirin and Dayquil and headed to bed.

Massive doses of Tylenol and Dayquil later, and a mostly restless night of sleep behind me, I don’t feel as bad today as I thought I would. Hopefully a good night of sleep tonight will leave me feeling much better by morning.

Did I mention? . . . I hate being sick!!


At 7:58 PM, Blogger Day by Day said...

Hope you get to feeling your "normal" self soon!

I am nursing a cardboard paper cut to the finger, and then a full jug of shampoo fell onto my big toe. Now that is tender, with a cut in the skin. It takes all of me not to go up to others and say, "Look at my owie". So I will just commiserate with you. :)

Lisa H.


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