Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Waiting on others

I have learned a lot about myself over the years. One of the things I have known for some time is that I absolutely HATE being late for something. A second thing I have known for a long time is that one of the most frustrating things for me is when someone does something that makes no apparent sense to me. If I could understand how that action may have made some sense or been logical to that person, I can be a lot more tolerant or understanding, but not knowing what in the world they were thinking is totally frustrating to me.

I am also learning that I really don’t like having to wait on others to make a decision before I can make a decision. I am in the midst of planning a nearly month long trip to the US and in the process have to juggle a series of meetings, appointments and schedules, all of which is dependent on decisions being made by others. That means until others make a decision I can not finalize my plans. I like to plan things well in advance when it comes to travel. Others are more than happy to wait until the last minute and ‘see how things work out’.

I leave in 6 days and only know my schedule for the first and last week of my nearly month long trip for sure. The rest is still up in the air. No airline tickets, no hotels or rental cars booked, etc. This has made for some frustrating days, checking my email to see if someone finally got back to me with details. Argh!!

I suppose I need to take comfort knowing that it will in fact all work out just fine. It might cost me more than I want to due to doing things very last minute, but it will all work out.


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